Tennessee Traditions
The Tennessee Folklife Program collaborates with artists, culture workers, and nonprofit organizations to document, preserve and present Tennessee’s diverse traditions. Folklife is comprised of arts, expressive practices, and skills that are learned and passed down in cultural communities that share family, ethnic, tribal, regional, occupational, or religious identity. In Tennessee, folklife encompasses older cultural forms that have been here for decades and centuries, as well as arts and customs brought here more recently.

The Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program is designed to encourage the survival, continued development, and proliferation of our state’s diverse folklife traditions, especially those that are rare or endangered.
Explore the ProgramDocumentation
The Folklife Program documents and promotes Tennessee’s folklife practices and community traditions.

Tennessee Folklife Institute
Learn to create folklife projects and conduct fieldwork, including one-on-one interviewing, as well as audio, video and photographic documentation.
Explore the Program